HP today announced that it will contribue its webOS operating system software to the open source community. WebOS, developed by Palm, debuted on the Palm Pre smartphone prior to the company being acquired by HP, and also served as the OS for HP’s TouchPad tablet. HP will make the underlying code of webOS available under an open source license, and promises to be an “active participant and investor” in the project going forward, with the ENYO application framework to be released to the community in the “near future”. Source: http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/hp-to-release-webos-as-open-source-software/
Friday, December 09, 2011
Thursday, December 08, 2011
The First $99 Android 4.0 Tablet is Here
The Touchpad has been a huge disappointment for HP financially, but it showed the market how hungry the consumers are for a cheap tablet, as long as the quality is decent enough to be usable. Obviously the HP Touchpad cheated to get in so many people’s hands because it was actually a firesale, and the quality of the components were higher than even a $200 tablet like the Kindle Fire would have.
But that doesn’t mean people can’t get a very usable tablet for $99. For once it actually has a capacitive display. Most cheap tablets so far have used the reflexive display, which used to be in PDA’s before the iPhone arrived, and that type of display gives a very poor touch experience, and the quality of it is pretty bad, too. The Novo7 tablet features a capacitive display so the touch experience should be just as good on high-end tablets or very close to it at least.
Novo7 has 1 Ghz MIPS chip with graphics that can handle some of the latest 3D Gameloft games, so that speaks a lot about its performance, even if it’s not as good as say Tegra 3 performance. The resolution will be a little low at 800×480, but considering the price, I’d say it’s a reasonable compromise. It will have Wi-fi b/g/n, 3G, USB 2.0 and HDMI 1.3 ports for media and game streaming to the TV. Read more: http://androidheadlines.com/2011/12/featured-the-99-android-4-0-tablet-is-already-here.html
Source: Android Headlines
The First $99 Android 4.0 Tablet Enters in the Market | APPCRAFT – mobile version
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Nokia 3D Maps Upgraded
Nokia’s web-based Maps 3D client has grown exponentially more useful today with the introduction of new search, directions, and social sharing options. You can now explore any of 25 cities around the world by items of interest, check out reviews of local businesses where available, and obtain walking or driving directions to any destination within the city limits. Routes can then be shared on Facebook, Twitter, or via the conveniently provided shortened URL, and the same can also be done with any locations on the map. The whole experience….. More: http://pulse.me/s/3OIc3
Source: The Verge
Nokia Maps Updated: Now With Navigation and Social Sharing | APPCRAFT – mobile version
Thursday, December 01, 2011
When mobile apps going in wrong direction
It happened recently when Reuters updated its News Pro app for iPad. What had been a fairly fast-loading, easy-to-read news app now brought molasses-like load times and difficult-to-read articles. Plus, navigating among the stories requires more steps than before. There were no bugs to fix and no compelling flaws in the previous version. Someone simply decided to change the UI, and they did so in a bad way. That app is now gone from my iPad, though fortunately the iPhone version remains unmolested and still usable. Likewise, the update two weeks ago to Fidelity for iPad app ruined what had been an easy-to-use portfolio management tool, larding it with visual gewgaws and unnecessarily adding multiple steps to do the portfolio management the app exists for in the first place. Sigh. Read more
Source: Infoworld
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Radio Streaming with Ford's AppLink
Ford’s Sync system gained a new choice for AppLink direct control through Slacker. Those with updated versions of Slacker for iOS (App Store), Android Market), or BlackBerry (App World) can both stream radio from 3G or 4G to the car stereo system as well as use voice commands to start playback, skip, ban, or favorite tracks without touching the phone. Controls work both for online and for cached tracks.
The option provides the full range.... Ford Owners Can Now Browsing Radio Stations with AppLink | APPCRAFT – mobile version
Source: Electronista
Monday, November 28, 2011
Stream Films Via The Sky Go iPhone App
Sky has announced that its Sky Go mobile service has swelled to include streaming films on demand for movies subscribers.
In a key step for Sky’s service, those people who access Sky Go on their iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone will now be able to stream movies when they are on Wi-Fi, with 3G functionality..... Streaming Videos with Sky Go | APPCRAFT – mobile version
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Route 66 App Drives to the Android Market with GPS
If the phone is facing the road, it can show a virtual car that takes the route the driver should go, giving a clearer sense of what to do than an abstract lane assist feature might. Outside of this, the map system also promises a blend of both online and offline maps, with the option of caching map data for a foreign trip or in areas where data might be spotty. Map packs include 3D data as well as links to weather and Wikipedia when relevant. Industry standards like real-time traffic, speed camera warnings, and an on-foot mode come with the app. The Route 66 app itself is free, although map access normally costs money. Everyone….. http://iphone.electronista.com/fullarticles/11/11/25/route.66.gps.arrives.at.last.on.android.market/
Sunday, November 13, 2011
iTunes 10.5.1 beta 3, More Stability, Improved Performance
Apple late Saturday gave developers a third beta of iTunes 10.5.1. Beta 3 primarily adds "important stability and performance improvements" for iTunes Match, according to developers who've downloaded the update. The company is encouraging developers to turn iTunes Match on, if they've subscribed, for all their computers and iOS devices. More here: Apple posts iTunes 10.5.1 beta 3 ahead of iTunes Match
Friday, November 11, 2011
Adobe Releases Final Android Flash Player Upgrade
Adobe has finally shut the door on all future Flash for mobile operations. The software company today announced the last feature release (version 11.1) for Android and other mobile platforms but promises future security updates. This without a doubt is horrible news for those of you out there who depend on this functionality for websites which don’t provide alternative viewing options for things like videos and for playing games. I hate to beat a dead horse, but Apple was right all along.
We must keep in mind that Flash isn’t entirely dead, as Adobe plans to keep the service in the app ecosystem, just without any major updates to the browser plug-in. Instead, the software maker plans to put all of its time an energy into HTML5 and Adobe Edge. More at Appy Geek
Thursday, November 10, 2011
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011
The Use Of Electronic Books From Android
Android refers to an operating system platform similar to Windows and Linux. It offers a wide range of features and applications that can also be found in other operating systems. However, this is much lighter in terms of space consumption and efficiency. This is the reason that most gadgets fitted with this particular platform are much cheaper when compared to others.
Based on the cost effectiveness of this program and the low price of such gadgets, it is natural that these devices are growing in popularity. Considering the increase in customers for such machines, most popular applications and software companies have begun to create mediums to make their service compatible. This includes the creation of reading software and other online tools.
This is especially true for online book stores, as electronic versions of novels and magazines sell more in comparison to paper-based versions. Considering the technological revolution that is also being adopted by various institutes within the academic arena, it is only wise for electronic publishers to develop reading software that is compatible.
Low-cost touch pads can easily be bought for even lower prices when purchased in bulk quantities. This is why most schools and even some universities have begun to invest in these as interactive learning aids; rather than using a multitude of textbooks. This new way of disseminating education will not only provide a greater learning experience for children but, will also significantly reduce the consumption of paper. Looking at this from an environmental point of view, such green practices will also ensure a reduction in the extent of tree logging that takes place.
This actually is a trend that is growing slowly, with only a handful of academic institutions having adopted this teaching pattern. Therefore, electronic novel and book publishers have a good opportunity to develop compatible Android eBooks and create a place within this industry.
Find great books and guides readable with Android OS running smartphones and tablets by clicking here
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Ways To Get The Video For Android
There are different kinds of mobile phones available in the market. Classifications are based on several features of the mobile phone. Still there is a significant classification of these mobiles, which is made based upon the particular kind of operating system that is used in them.
Remember mobile phones are nothing but a sort of miniature computers. It is because of that reason it is possible for us to make whole lot of calculations and manipulations, comparable to a laptop or a personal computer. Android phones use a different kind of operating system from that of the majority of other common phone like the Nokia, Samsung and so on.
When something is deviating from the normal then all those applications that have to be performed in it should be made compatible for it to process effectively. General videos what we see in the other phones and the multi media images when passed on to this kind of mobiles, the software will not be able to encrypt data.
To encrypt data it has to be in the right format for understanding and then to allow processing. The converter software does this formatting process. These are special set of program instructions that are made to perform the function of file conversion.
These are available in the market free of cost. You could find the advertisement free software of such a kind in so many places in the internet. Just a single click of the button in the reputed search engines will give you many results of such a kind.
You could just choose the particular kind of software that you will want to use. Still there is certain other kind, where you will have to spend a little bit of money to purchase them. These are some quality products that you could rely upon to be effective and safer as well.
Having said that, it is emphasized that one cannot rely upon all those free software out there. They are capable of bring the system whole lot of trouble. The software might be accompanied by malwares that could enter into your system. Instead of video for android you get malware for computer.
Do not opt to do such ridiculous tasks. The costs associated to the video for android are pretty lesser. You could just find one of those standard brands to be hassle free. All those freeware out there are downloaded by numerous people all around the globe. The chances of them becoming sources of dreadful viruses to affect your personal computers, are way higher. You could still scan and download them before you get them into your computer. That ways you could avoid costs associated completely.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
How To Backup IPhone Contacts

The Apple iPhone has changed the way many people view and use their telephone. It is capable of surfing the net and downloading and running applications and other types of data transfer. With all of these new capabilities come new ways for the address book to become compromised. One can lose all of his contacts if caution is not exercised. However, there is a way to backup iPhone contacts so that if the address book is corrupted, one can restore the contact list.
The first step is to download iTunes to one's computer. This app will run on Mac or PC formatted computers, so compatibility is not an issue. ITunes is the preferred software for backing up and syncing information between an iPhone, iPad, or iPod and a computer. It is best to ensure that one is running the latest version of iTunes in order to achieve the best results.
iTunes will automatically create a backup of contacts and other user information under certain conditions. Any time one syncs the device with iTunes, a backup is created. Every time one updates the device in iTunes a backup is automatically created. Any time one does a restore using iTunes he/she will be prompted to create a backup before restoring.
There is also a way to manually create a backup of contacts using iTunes. All one needs to do is right click the iPhone icon in iTunes and choose backup from drop down menu.
Many people like to go a step further and place their iPhone contacts into their windows address book. This can be accomplished by connecting the phone to the computer and opening iTunes. Left click the iPhone icon. Click the tab marked "info" and find the section marked "contacts". Place a check in the box marked "sync contacts" and select "windows address book" from the list of available destinations.
If this is the first time you have performed this operation, click the button that says apply. If not, there will be a button marked "sync". Once the operation has been completed, one can export the contents of the address book into a backup file or leave this content in place as the windows address book as well as the iPhone contacts.
There are many different ways that one can lose his/her iPhone contacts. The most common is loss, theft, or damage to the iPhone itself. However, there are also many ways to corrupt the data stored in contacts if one is not careful. Therefore, it is important to know how to backup the contacts to another device for safe keeping.
If you are searching for the perfect iPhone backup restore software, the following link should hit the mark perfectly: http://www.appcraft.org