Three new security apps has just been added to Appcraft’s software download site in the category Windows Mobile and Pocket PC. These software solutions are aimed to protect SMS files, photo files and documents on smart phones.
One of this new apps is titled “WMkits SMS Encryption“, a text messages encryption software, developed for smart phones which running on Windows Mobile or Pocket PC operating systems. This tool allows to hide and encrypt existing SMS in the file folders and can do the same task in future incoming SMS and outgoing SMS in real time as well.
The other two new added apps are called “WMkits Photo Encryption” and “WMkits File Encryption“. Both software tools can be used either to decrypt photos of common formats or documents such as Text file, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, XML and PDF documents. The files are search-able on the phone and a AES 128-bit encryption technology are included in order to ensure users data safe.