Handcase presents the first 60 applications for webOS
The Handcase comes time to evaluating the migration of its extensive portfolio of software and games for other mobile platforms. Why webOS? WebOS because we can not ignore our passion for the Palm.
We can not ignore the need of mobile users in terms of software and games.
The software will be offered as a service and the web 2.0 style. The software will be offered as a subscription. Users will have the resources available as skins, encrypted security, option to mount their own mobile social networks and more. Carriers can offer unique customized versions. Users will have options to access wi-fi for free, or be signed by your carrier.
The options of signing will be: free for personal users with and without advertising, paid and free for professionals and pay for companies. One of the services yet to be free for businesses, will be Co2Global, the software for management of carbon credits, the first in the world, launched in 2008 by Handcase, which will have its version to service, offered soon.
The Handcase advance even began working with MotionApps to the compatibility of their products, with the classic, the PalmOS emulator for WebOS.
The Handcase time, will detail in the exclusive website, the beta versions of each of the first software 60, when then officially communicate the launch.